How to properly remove the LIPS board for BN44-00264A, BN44-00264B, & BN44-00264C
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In this video we will show how to properly remove this board from the panel for replacement or repair. This board is a combination of both the backlight inverter and the power supply and can be referred to as a LIPS board.
It is very important to be careful when removing this board from the panel. You will want to be sure that you do not remove or damage this black strip on the panel which connects directly to the lamps underneath.
I will begin by disconnecting this cable from the LIPS board. Next, using a screwdriver I will remove all of the screws that secure the board to the panel. Be sure to save the screws as you will use them again when re-attaching the board.
After I have removed the screws, I will pull the board free from the panel. The board is secured in place by tabs that are inserted into the black strip. In order to safely remove the board, I will put my hands on both sides of the board and slowly and gently begin pulling back while rocking the board back and forth until I have pulled it free.
Be sure to not use too much pressure and always be sure all of the tabs have been removed from the black strip before lifting up on the board.
Now, I am ready to re-install my repaired or replacement board back into the TV. Again, I will put my hands on either side of the board and line up the tabs. Then, I will slowly and gently begin applying pressure while pushing the board back into place in the black strip.
Next, I will reinstall all of my screws to secure my board to the panel. After the screws are installed, I will re-attach the cable and put the back cover on the TV.
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