In this tutorial, you will learn How to Remove Dark Circles in Photoshop.

No matter what camera or lighting you use, you may eventually come across a shot with bags under the eyes. Different people have different approaches to editing their images and getting rid of these. This is the approach of photographer Dani Diamond that’s rather simple.

We’ll sample the tone that he would be using to replace the tones that are problematic using the Curves tool.

Create a new Curves layer. Make Sure you select the actual curve lair thumbnail and not the mask.

Double click the eyedropper tool and pick a color that looks fine and doesn’t have the bags.

Click ok and click no. Then using the eye dropper tool, click on the tone of the bags that you want to fix. Then select the mask thumbnail and press CMD+I to invert it.

Select a white brush and using about 10-20% opacity paint over the eyebags.

If you get carried away and do a bit too much, don’t worry. You can always bring down the opacity of the adjustment layer later on.

Repeat the process for each eye, and each time sample a different tone to replace with, since the tones on either side of the face are bound to differ.

This is one coherent way to deal with the eyebag issue without getting lost in either too many steps or too much clone stamping and loss of texture.

What is another similar technique you’d want us to cover in the next tutorial? Please let us know in comments.

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