In this tutorial, you will learn How to Create Low Poly Portraits in Photoshop.

While low poly portraits have become somewhat popular, there is no simple way to get a professional looking portrait with a simple filter.

To get started, we need a few things setup the way we want in Photoshop.

In our opened-up image, we’ll be splitting it in half, drawing poligons on one side and then mirroring it out to the other side. We’ll start by splitting the image in half.

Let’s bring up our grid. Go to Edit - Preferences - Guides, Grids and Slices. We’re going to go with the current settings. Feel free to tailor these down to your needs based on your image. Now go to View - Show - Grid. Also enable snap by going to View - Snap.

Select your polygonal lasso tool and start drawing polygons snapping the points to the grid. Make sure you do this on a new layer. One you have a polygon selected, go to Filter - Blur - Average. This will create one polygonal block with the average color of your selection. Now, create the next polygon. Instead of going to filter, simply press the shortcut key for the most recently used filter. In our case it’s CMD+CTRL+F.

From here on, simply keep going, varying your polygon sizes based on how much detail you want in a particular part of the image.

Feel free to create new layers or duplicates as you go to have a periodic backup point you can go back to.

Once you’ve gone over the entire half of the image, flatten the layers together, duplicate it. Flip it by going to Edit - Transform - Flip Horizontal. Move it to the right spot and you’re ready to go.

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