Hi, everyone, and welcome to this new series called "Programming From Scratch". The objective of this series will be to showcase how to build simple and educational software using bare minimals tools, without any extra libraries or frameworks.

In this first video I show how to implement a simple hexdump-like utility which can be used to dump the bytes of a given file in the hexadecimal format. In terms of tooling, we will use a C compiler, the make utility, and the standard C library (libc).

If you're interested in more videos of the series please let me know, and if you're interested in the final code, checkout the link in the description.



00:00 Introduction
04:00 Makefile
07:05 Handling arguments
10:40 Core structure
15:22 file_open_and_read()
22:50 hexdump()
37:50 Conclusion



- Material: https://github.com/LeonardoE95/yt-en/blob/main/src/2023-11-04-from-scratch-hexdump-in-C



- Technical blog: https://blog.leonardotamiano.xyz/
- Support my work: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=T49GUPRXALYTQ