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In this video tutorial, learn how to use query design in Access 2013.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Access 2013. In this section we’re going to start to look at queries and first of all I’d like to explain a couple of the reasons why we use queries.
Now let’s suppose that we’d built up our movies database, we’d added thousands and thousands of movies, thousands and thousands of actors, and may other types of information. It’s very unlikely that anybody at any one time would want all of that information.

They may want a certain amount of information about all movies. For instance, they may want a count of how many of the movies in our database originated in the United States, how many of them were from Italy, how many from New Zealand. They may also want a lot of information about one specific movie or perhaps all the movies of a particular director.

But the common theme in all of these things is that there is usually some element of selection of the information. Either we want a particular movie, perhaps movies from a particular country, perhaps movies by a particular director, or maybe just a particular movie with a particular name. Now this is where queries come in because queries enable us to look for something subject to a virtually unlimited number of criteria. So for example, if I wanted all of the movies by a particular director that were released between two particular years and that was say produced in Italy, then I would use a query to find that information.

So that’s one of the main reasons for using queries. The second main reason, we’ve already seen to some extent when we’ve looked at this actor maintenance form because in the actor maintenance form we have this strange situation at the bottom with this subform where we’ve got a movie number but not the name of the movie because of the way we’ve set the data up.

Now there’s nothing wrong with the way we set the data up by the way, but the problem is that you need information on this form from a number of places. You need some information from the actor table, you need some information from the movie table, even some from the country table or the genre table may be needed sometimes. And of course as we extended this database, we’d have more tables and maybe need more data from those other tables. So the other thing that queries do is to enable us to get information from many different tables and present it together so that we can correctly represent the information in things like this subform. In fact it’s on the principle of queries that we will make this subform work correctly.

So let’s start with creation of a straightforward query. Go to the Create Tab and we’re going to go into query design. There is a Query Wizard but I want to start with query design. When you click on query design, you get two windows. You get a window representing the query itself which gets a default name, in this case Query 1, and then in front of that you get a dialog box, Show table. Basically, the principle here is that you first of all specify which tables you want to get data from and there may be one, there may be more than one table, and having done that you close this window, the show table window, and then you build the query in the other window. Now the other window is generally referred to as the query designer.

So let’s start by choosing just one table to begin with. Let’s choose the movie table. So click on add. Now we can close this. Now, if I wanted to run a query that would just get the titles of all the movies, this is how I’d do it. If I select the title field, I can drag it down to the grid at the bottom and in this grid the top row is the name of a field and the second row is the name of the table the field is in. So the table is tblMovie and the field is title. Now that on its own is a query. If I want to run the query on the Ribbon, there is now a Design Tab.

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