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In this video tutorial, we'll discuss the basics of what an Access 2013 database is and what it consists of.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Access 2013. In this section we’re going to take a bit of a lightening tour of this contact list. We’ve referred to several features of it so far in the course but it is in effect a working database application. It’s a desktop database and I’d like to go through basically what it can do and explain some of the terminology we’re going to use later on in the course. After this section and from then onwards we’re going to be going into quite a bit of detail. So this is a chance to get a bit of a broad overview of what a desktop database looks like in Access 2013.

Now the first thing I want to do is to just hide the Navigation Pane for the moment and I’m also going to minimize the Ribbon and we’re going to look at this contact list because what this database is about is a contact list. Now at the moment, we are looking at this contact list in what’s called Form View and if you look down at the status bar, the left hand end, it says Form View. If I right click on the Contact List Tab, I have an alternative of going into what’s called Layout View or going into what’s called Design View. Now Design View basically determines how the contact list is designed and I can use the information about contacts in different ways. I can lay it out in different ways and I’ll be coming back to the design later on.

But when it’s in Form View, the contact list is shown on the screen in such a way that I could actually add data. So if I wanted to add a contact all, I would need to do is to click in the first free field there and I’m going to just put in the first name of John, last name Doe, and I can go through and put in information about a person by clicking from field to field. My first person is John Doe. Now once I start typing into that form another line below, it opens up. It says New and if I wanted to put a second person in, I could start typing the second person’s details on the next line. But let’s go back to John’s details. I’ve got John Doe. Company, I’ve got a drop down. Oh, that’s empty. So I’ll say he works for Acme Inc. Job title, drop down it’s empty as well. I’ll say he’s a director. Category, it says Personal. Let’s say he’s actually a business contact. Put in his email address. Put in his business phone number. If I’ve got a home phone number I can put it in there. If I’ve got a mobile or cell phone number I can put it in there. Zip postal code. I’ll leave those for now. So what I’ve done is to enter some of the details about one person.

Now while I’ve been doing that you may have noticed this little pen on the left here and what this pen tells me when it’s highlighted like this is that this particular record is in progress. I’m typing in the details but I haven’t actually finished entering the details yet and there are various ways that I might finish entering the details. One of the ways that I can finish entering the details is just by clicking on the next row. If I click on the next row, what happens is the little pen disappears and I now have a person in my database. The person I’ve got is John Doe.

Now notice at the bottom of the workspace, there is a scroll bar down there. I’ve been using it to scroll left and right through the pieces of information about John Doe. If I go right back to the left again, I can see first name John, last name Doe, and so on. So what I’ve done is to add a record to my contact management database.

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