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In this video tutorial, we review some of the changes and new features with Microsoft Access 2013.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Access 2013. In this section I’d like to take a quick look at what’s new in Access 2013. There is a pretty good page on that covers this subject and it includes near the beginning a video which gives you a good overview of what the changes in Access 2013 are. So it’s a good idea to take time out to just have a quick look at that. But I want to run through the main new features quickly with you now and as it says just below the video, What’s new in Access 2013? In a word, Apps and really an awful lot of what’s new in Access 2013 is about apps. So the first thing I need to do is to explain what that means.

One of the great strengths of building Access databases in the past is that they’re pretty straightforward to build. If you just want a database for one person to run on their own PC, Access databases have always really been a neat way of putting something really good together. But there have been some disadvantages and some problems as well. One of the disadvantages and problems is that once you get into more than one user, so multi-user access, in theory the tools are there that you need, but in practice once the number of users starts to go up, so does the number of problems. The other problem with Access databases in the past is that the technology behind it means that it’s just not suitable for using on the internet. So if you had a database, just leaping ahead a little bit, the database that we’re going to build as our exercise is a movie database, then if you build a movie database it’s extremely difficult to make it available say on the internet for other people to access that database.

Now the web app version of an Access database is designed to deal with this issue and the way it deals with it is that it gives you access to a good solid database engine based on Microsoft SQL Server and, generally speaking, made available via a technology called SharePoint that I’m going to talk to you about later. You get basically the best of both worlds because you get a storage technology based on Microsoft SQL Server which gives you the underlying strength, but in addition you get the power and flexibility of building the forms that people use to enter and update data and the reports that they can run and many other aspects of what are called the user interface to the database.

You get the Access version of that. So it means you get a database system that’s both powerful, easy to develop, and flexible, but you get enough underlying technological strength via Microsoft SQL Server to support running this database, this web app online and making access to the data in the database available online which you just don’t have with the earlier versions of Microsoft Access. So that’s what Microsoft web apps are basically about and I’ll tell you more about those as we go through the course.

What I want to do now is just point out one little section here which is quite important in terms of what I’ve just said. If you look at this tip here, it says: To learn how you can get started creating an Access 2013 app or desktop database quickly see, and then there are two links. There’s Basic tasks for an Access app and there’s Basic tasks for an Access 2013 desktop database. Now in essence what this means in Access 2013 is that you have alternative things that you may want to develop. You may want to develop what I’ll call a traditional Access desktop database or you may want to develop an Access app.

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