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When typing some data into a cell in Excel, sometimes the text is long such that the text just spills over. What do you do to make the text fit into the cell? You could make the column wider, but there's a better way of dealing with that. In this video, you will learn more about how to Wrap Text and other formatting functions such as vertical alignment, horizontal alignment, and alignment for numbers. You can set alignment as General, Justify, or Center. Find out all these in this tutorial!

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Welcome back to our course on Excel 2013. In this section, we’re going to finish our review of the basics of worksheet formatting. We’re, first of all, going to look at merging cells then we’re going to look at applying themes and styles to a worksheet. So let’s start with merging cells. I’ve taken then expenses information from earlier on and I’ve added some headings.

I haven’t tidied the headings up at all yet. I’ve just left them pretty much as they are there. The top row is blank but what I’d like to do is to put a title right along from A to F. So that’s A1, Cell A1 to Cell F1. Now in order to do that what I can do is to merge those six cells together.

If I click in the first one, drag with the mouse, and select along so that they’re all selected then on the Home tab in the Alignment Group there is a button there which is merge and center. And what this causes to happen is the selected set of cells to be merged into a single cell and for the content to be centered. Now apart from that straightforward button itself, there’s a little drop down next to it which gives us a number of other options. There’s Merge and Center, Merge Across, Merge the Cells without worrying about alignment, and then Unmerge Cells.

And what I’m going to do on this occasion is just to use Merge and Center. Now with that cell still selected I can tell that it’s selected because it’s obviously got the selection rectangle around it. I can just start typing and I can say and there we are. I’ve now merged that set of six cells into one.
Now note that to unmerge cells it’s pretty straightforward. If you look at this particular case, we’ve got Cells A1 to F1 merged. When they’re merged you would refer to them as A1 and if I click in A1 here, you can see that the selection marked up here in the name box in the corner is A1.

To unmerge the cells all I need to do is to go back to that Menu, and on that Merge Menu, if I say Unmerge Cells watch what happens. Unmerge cells obviously unmerges the cells so I’ve now got six separate cells again. But the contents that were centered in the merged big cell become the contents of A1 because in effect it always has been the contents of A1 because the merge cell, the big cell, was A1. It was just a bigger A1. So let me undo the unmerge and go back to where we were and this is now going to be the starting point for me to format this worksheet.

So let’s look at column widths first. The only column width that’s likely to cause a problem really is Column F. This is a Column that indicates whether expenses are rechargeable or not and it can only have two possible values in there, Yes or No. But the heading Recharge is quite a wide heading. So with Column F selected I’m going to go into the Cells Group on the Home tab and do AutoFit Column Width. That’ll sort out that. But where we only have Yes and No, very short answers, they look at bit strange left aligned so I’m also going to center align horizontally that column. The other column that I think might cause us a problem is the Date Column because at the moment although the width of it is absolutely right for the dates that are in it I think they run into the name of the client there quite a bit.

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