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This tutorial will teach you all information about the Access Options which you will find at the Backstage view. The demonstration will guide you through the step-by-step usage of various options under the Access Options dialog. This dialog is basically used for the purpose of enabling you to customize your installation of Access 2013 and to some extent your use of Access 2013.

You will also learn about the General Tab, User interface Options, and a lot more tips in order to customize the settings and usage of Access 2013.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Access 2013. In this section we’re going to look at Access Options. To do that, we’re going to go into Backstage View and one of the options, the last option in Backstage View is Options. Click on Options and that brings up the Access Options dialog and you’ll be seeing this dialog quite a bit.

The basic purpose of this dialog is to enable you to customize your installation of Access 2013 and to some extent your use of Access 2013. I’m going to look at a couple of examples of Access Options in this section. But various options will occur throughout the course and we’ll be going back into this dialog to look at what the available choices are and to help you to decide how to set it up in your particular situation.

The Options are arranged in a set of pages and the first page, the top one, the one that’s selected is General. If I click then on the next page, Current Database, you’ll see in the main window there that there’s a list of what are effectively options. Datasheet, again a choice of options: Object Designers, etc. Now some of these such as Add-ins, we’re not really going to get to look at much in this course. I might mention it once or twice later on but really this is more to do with adding in extra functionality into Access which is beyond the scope of the course. Whereas things like Language where we make sure that we’ve got our language setup correctly are extremely important and we’ll be dealing with that fairly early on. So let’s go back to the General Tab first.

Now I’m going to start with a section near the top of the General Tab here, User Interface Options. I’ll come back to Enable Live Preview later on in the course. I really want to concentrate as an example on this next entry, Screen Tip Style. Show feature descriptions in screen tips. I haven’t made any changes to the Access Options at the moment so I’m going to press the Cancel key and now I’d like to look at a couple of these buttons on the Ribbon here. And I want to hover first over that one. Now when I hover over a button, I see a screen tip and this screen tip says Query Design. Create a new blank query in Design View. And then it says “You can then use the Show Table dialog box to add tables or queries to the Query Design.” Now I already mentioned the fact that you sometimes see a keyboard shortcut there as well. In this case, there is no keyboard shortcut so that’s fine. But note that I have a screen tip and then I have a description of Query Design. Now let me go back into Options again and the selection there in Screen Tip Style said “Show feature descriptions in screen tips.

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