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This video is a quick overview of the information that's available about keyboard shortcuts as well as the key tips in Access 2013. It will show you the easiest way of finding keyboard shortcuts using the Access Help then getting to Access Keyboard shortcuts after clicking the Getting started.

You will see a very comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts that have categories with each subcategory. It will guide you through how we can use key tips to access the commands on the Ribbon. Some of which is the Alt key which gives you a set of letters that give access to the Ribbon and numbers giving you access to the Quick Access Toolbar and more key tips which you will see at this demonstration.

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Hello and welcome back to our course on Access 2013. One of the other things that’s very important that is apart from the fact that some of you may want to use touch when you’re working with Access, some of you may like keyboard shortcuts. Now I must confess that I’m not a great user of keyboard shortcuts themselves, but nothing intrinsically against them.

There are just so many and I use so many different pieces of software that it’s very difficult to remember them. I do tend to use the keyboard shortcuts that are common across all software or at least all Microsoft software or all Adobe software. But some of the more esoteric ones there are just too many of them to keep in my head. However, I do know that many people do like to use keyboard shortcuts.

In some cases it’s because it’s a faster more effective way of working. For some people the use of a mouse over a long period of time can cause RSI, Repetitive Strain Injury types of issues and for some people certain types of disability may mean that a keyboard is much easier to operate. So in this section I’m going to give you a quick overview of the information that’s available about keyboard shortcuts and about what we call key tips in Access 2013.

Now I know that we haven’t looked at the Ribbon in any detail yet, but if you look at the commands on the Ribbon when I hover over a command, I normally see a screen tip and in many cases the screen tip includes the equivalent keyboard shortcut. So if you look at the Ribbon as it is now, roughly in the middle there’s a button that says New. If I hover over that, I’ll see that the screen tip is New and then in brackets, I see the keyboard shortcut which is Control and Plus. If I go down to the command below it, for Save the screen tip says Save and the keyboard shortcut is Shift plus Enter. Now not all commands have keyboard shortcuts but many of them do and one of the quickest ways to find out what the keyboard shortcuts are in Access 2013 is to hover over the commands in the way that I just have.

Another very good way of finding the keyboard shortcuts is to go into the Access Help as we saw earlier on and one of the options there under Get Started is Access keyboard shortcuts and you get a very comprehensive list of the keyboard shortcuts for Access 2013. Now these are arranged into categories. So you’ve got Access app shortcut keys, desktop database shortcut keys. Within each category you’ve got sort of subcategories. If you choose a subcategory like this one, design time shortcut keys, plus sign next to it shows the keyboard shortcut. So to do this press, describes the task you want to perform and then on the right it gives you the keyboard shortcut. Move a table or view selector, use the arrow keys. Show or hide the Navigation Pane, F11. So F11 is a good alternative for showing and hiding the Navigation Pane.
Now if you like using keyboard shortcuts, believe me you have plenty in Access 2013.

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