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In this section, Toby demonstrates how to make a standard calendar for a particular project as well as the corresponding consequences of that. It is important that the calendars of the people working on a projecct are setup correctly. In fact, it is much better to set your calendar correctly before you start scheduling tasks and resources so that everything in the process is aligned. You can also add some exceptions to the calendar. For instance, for a carpenter, an exception to his working time would be vacations or a couple of weeks off. Of course, public holidays like Christmas and Easter should be added as exceptions in the calendar as well. Want to know more? Watch this tutorial!

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Project 2013. In the previous section we created a new calendar called building calendar and it had different hours of work from the ones that come by default with Project 2013 in the standard calendar. We’re now going to make that the standard calendar for our current building project and then we’re going to look at some of the consequences of that. We also still need to add the rest of the public holidays to that calendar. So let’s get started.

So first of all, let’s go to the Project tab and then on the Project tab in the Properties Group click on Project Information. Now when you click on Project Information, you’ll see that the calendar in force is still the standard calendar. So I’m going to change that now to be the building calendar. Click on OK and the calendar that I’ve selected there is now effectively the base calendar for this project.

Now you may have noticed a slight change to the schedule there and the slight change to the schedule there is because the resources that are currently scheduled to work on the project, that’s basically the brick layer and the carpenter, because their calendars are still based on the original standard calendar will not be fully available to this project during the hours of work on this project because they still have as their calendars the 8 to 5 hours, whereas the building calendar is basically on the 9 to 6 hours. Now basically the majority of people working on this project will be working to the same hours as the project itself. So let’s go in and look at those individual resources and make sure that we’ve got their calendars setup correctly.

So I’m going to use the button on the status bar at the bottom to switch to the resource sheet, and then on the resource sheet I’m just going to double click on brick layer. Open up the Resource Information for brick layer, and in terms of working time if I click on Change working time for brick layer, I’ll see that the resource calendar for brick layer is currently set at the standard calendar.

Now I want to change that to be the building calendar. Now I can’t emphasize enough that the only reason I’m having to do that is because I didn’t set that up before I started. If you set your calendar correctly before you start scheduling tasks and resources, then you won’t need to go through all of this. Having said that, at least I’m doing it early on in the process so I’m aligning everything before I’ve entered too much information into my project.

So for the brick layer the default working week is the one on the calendar building calendar. So click on OK. That will have now corrected the working time for brick layer and then if I do the same for the carpenter who is my other work resource, again click on Change working time and his calendar is based on the building calendar as well.

Now again I should point out here that although the resource calendar for carpenter has as its base calendar, the building calendar if I wanted to put some exceptions for the carpenter, I could do them here. The exceptions for working time for carpenter, for instance, would be things like the carpenter’s vacations.

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