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Scheduling is an important element in effectively carrying out and eventually accomplishing a project. In this section, Toby teaches the basic methods of scheduling parameters related to calendars within Project 2013. Every project needs a project calendar, which is the basic time that work is done or is possible to be done on a particular project. In the Change Working Time dialog, it gives a view of the current standard project calendar, which is the default that comes with Project 2013. This, of course, can be changed or modified to suit a specific project that needs a different kind of calendar. Or you can create a new calendar altogether. The calendars in Project 2013 let you define your standard working week, set up your working hours, and plot the public holidays in place as far in advance as you can.

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Welcome back to our course on Project 2013. In this section we’re going to look at calendars and in fact we’re going to look a little bit more broadly at some of the scheduling parameters related to calendars within Project 2013.

So we’re going to start by looking at the calendar that’s in force by default for our building project and to do that we’ll go straight into Backstage View, into the Project Options, and we’ll look at the Schedule page in Project Options.

Now the first thing to note is that when you look at the top section on this page, Calendar Options for this project, once again you have a drop down. You have a drop down that lets you choose this particular project or all new projects. Now you may well have a standard calendar that you use on all your projects but you may have a particular one that gets a different calendar to everything else. So what do I mean by a calendar for a project? Well, for a particular situation, for a particular project that I’m working on, let’s take this building project as an example. Let’s suppose that the site is open for certain hours of the day, say from eight in the morning till six in the evening. And at that time people can do work on this project. That doesn’t necessarily mean that everybody who does any work on the project works all of that time. Individual people may have different calendars. They may have different availability. You may have somebody who only works in the mornings or somebody who only works Monday’s and Tuesday’s. But every project as a background needs a project calendar which is the basic time that work is done or is possible to be done on that project. Now when you install Project 2013, you’re setup with a default calendar that we’ll look at in a moment. It’s normally called the standard calendar or the base calendar. And unless you do otherwise that’s the calendar that’s going to be used to schedule your projects.

Now there’s an added complication in this which is a little bit baffling at first. But once you get used to the idea, it’s not so bad and that is that whatever your calendar says when it comes to actually doing some aspects of calculations Project also uses some other values that you setup in the Options here. So not only do you really need to make sure that your calendar is correct which is something we’re going to look at a little bit later on but you also need to look at the settings that we’ve got here in our Options to make sure that everything fits.

So first of all, I have a couple of straightforward options here. One of them is on what day of the week does the week start? It’s a Sunday. That doesn’t necessarily mean you work on a Sunday but it just means that when we look at the calendar the first day we see will be Sunday. And the fiscal year start defaults to January. You can change that to one of the other months of the year for your fiscal annual reporting. We then have a default start time and a default end time for tasks. Now again this is not the same as the start time and end time as will appear on the calendar. As it says in the note here, these times are assigned to tasks when you enter a start or finish date without specifying a time.

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