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There are many ways in opening projects. One of which, as discussed in previous sections, is by clicking Recent Projects in Backstage View. However, if the project you are looking for is not in the Recent Projects list, another way to open it is to click Open Other Projects in which Project 2013 displays potential locations for a project that you want to open--either from SkyDrive or Computer. Another way to open a project is through the Browse button, which allows you to select from your available disc drives, internal disc drive, memory sticks, or network drives. So let's say you have your project open. Suppose you need to open another project and have both projects open at once? That's not a problem! The switching facility of Windows will take care of it. Now to close a project or projects, there are various ways to do that--in Backstage View or through the Ribbon. Want to know more? Watch this tutorial!

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Hello and welcome back to our course on Microsoft Project 2013. In this section we’re going to look at opening and saving projects. So far we’ve opened a project by selecting it from the recent list on the start screen. Now, of course, over time that recent list is going to tend to get too long to all fit on the start screen and you’re going to find that things drop off the bottom of the list. Now there is a way to some extent of overcoming that and we’ll look at that in just a moment. But in general terms, if you want to open a project and it isn’t on the recent list there, you need to look at the option below the list where it says Open other projects. And if you click on that, it takes you to the Open page in Backstage View. Now you then have a list of potential locations for a project that you want to open.

At the top of the list, you have the recent projects list. You can open a project from your SkyDrive. I’m going to tell you about SkyDrive later on in the course. But think of it as what many people nowadays refer to as Cloud based storage. So these are projects that you’ve got stored on Microsoft SkyDrive. Computer basically takes you to the device that you’re using and allows you to browse through the device to find a project that you have stored locally. And at a place, as we’ll see later on, gives us an option to add to this list. We’ll come back to that later. For the moment, let’s click on Computer.

Now when you click on Computer, you’re given a list of folders you have recently accessed. One of those is going to be the one with the example files that come with this course. So if I click on that, it takes me through to that list of example files. You’ll have a list, it may not look exactly the same as this but generally speaking it will be very similar to this. And from this you could take one of the files that we’ve already worked on, select it, and then having selected it you can either click Open or you can just double click on it to open that particular project. So if I wanted to open example_06, double click and the project opens.

Now let’s suppose that I want to open another project as well. I’d like to open Project 4. I don’t need to close Project 6 to do that. I can go into Backstage View, click on Open, and then if I go for Computer again, instead of using the recent folders list, I can just use the Browse button down here and that allows me to browse in pretty much the usual way through the content of my device. So I can choose from the available disc drives, internal disc drive, memory sticks, network drives, whatever I’ve got attached to my device, choose an appropriate project and open it up. Now one thing to notice when you’re trying to open a project like this is that effectively Project 2013 filters the files that you’re looking at. So if I go into a particular folder such as this one the files that it’s showing me are not every file that’s in that folder. The filter in force by default is a filter that shows me just the files with extension MPP and that’s the default extension for Microsoft Project files.

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