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Next to Project Information, Toby now talks about Project Options, which can be accessed from Backstage View. The Scheduling Options page allows you to choose whether to autoschedule a task or not, and if you do, you can either set it to project start date or current date. Meaning if you enter an autoscheduled task and you chose current date, the task will be scheduled to begin on the date that you are actually entering the task. The duration of each task can either be minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months, as the case may be. If you want to save some space when working on a project, you can also switch off the timeline, especially if you are not going to be using it for the moment. Another useful tool is Advanced Properties where you can set some properties that are more related to the file that you are working on.

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In the previous section we looked at Project Information and the importance of that in terms of initially setting up a project like this one. You’ll soon get used to the fact that it’s very, very important that you always make sure you’ve got either your project start date or your project finish date defined before you do any significant amount of work on a new project. Now I’m going to add some more tasks to this project but before I do we also need to look at a couple of settings in Project Options. Now you should remember that we access Project Options from Backstage View so click on File, Options, and then the page we want in this case, it’s the Schedule page.

So the section we need is this one, Scheduling options for this project. Note that there is a drop down at the top there, House build 01.mpp it currently says. If I click on the drop down, I get a choice between the options for all new projects or the options for this specific project. Now at this stage, I’m only going to work on the options for this specific project but it may well be that you always do have the same options in this section for all of your projects in which case make sure you’ve got them the same in the all new projects case. But let’s just look at this specific project now, so select that. Earlier on we setup new tasks are created auto scheduled. The second item here is Auto scheduled tasks are scheduled on. This means when I enter a new task into the schedule and it’s an auto scheduled task which is the default on, which date is the task scheduled to begin? And the task is scheduled to begin on the project start date. Now there are actually two options here. Project start date is one, the other one is current date. And I’m going to choose current date. That means that when I enter an auto scheduled task, it will be scheduled to begin on today’s date, the date that I’m actually entering the task.

Now alongside that the duration will be entered in and you can choose units for duration. You can choose minutes, hours, days, weeks, months. For this building type project days is a pretty good option because you mostly manage those things in number of days. But obviously if you were dealing with a very short term project, a very short term task, you might want to go for minutes or hours. Maybe a much bigger more strategic type of project you may want task to be in weeks or months. Days is the option we’re going to use here. I’ll come back to this work as entered in and default task type and new tasks are effort driven. I’ll come back to all that when we talk about work a little bit later on in the course. But there are a couple of other options here that we need to look at now.

The pair of options we need to look at is this little pair on the right here. Show that scheduled tasks have estimated durations and new scheduled tasks have estimated durations. And this pair of options is what’s caused the behavior we’ve seen so far whereby whenever we insert a new task, it has an estimated duration. It’s estimated at one day. I quite like this option because it means that when a task is inserted, there’s a question mark on the duration that just reminds me that I need to put my own hopefully more accurate and realistic estimate in there...

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