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One of the important things that you need to consider when using Microsoft Project 2013 is the Project Information. Here you can set the project start date as well as the project finish date. The Project Information tool helps you to schedule the work on your project to enable you to finish it as quickly as possible. For example, when building a house, you'd want to finish building it as soon as possible in order to get the house on the market, sell it, and earn money for it. Each project uses the standard calendar by default, but there can also be multiple calendars associated with a project. For more information on how to use Project Information, watch this video!

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Welcome back to our course on Project 2013. In the previous section, we started our project for building a house. We just put one task in, Prepare site, and I talked a little bit about duration, start date, etc. But before we go on to put the rest of the main tasks into this project, I need to look at a couple of very important things that you’re always going to need to consider when you’re using Microsoft Project, and the first of these is Project Information.

On the Project tab in the Properties Group there is a button, Project Information. Click on that and it brings up a dialog, the Project Information dialog. Now right at the top we have a project start date and as you saw in the previous section by default, and we’ll come back to that in a moment, our tasks are being scheduled to start on the project start date. Now effectively because I decided that I want to set this project a little bit in the past that I need to change the start date and you can always change the start date by going into Project Information and setting the start date here. Now it might well be that you rarely want to set a start date in the past because hopefully you’re planning your projects for some time in the future. But whether it’s the past or the future, it’s absolutely fundamentally important that you set the start date correctly. So let’s click on the drop down here, use the date picker, and we’re going to set the start date to March 4th which is where I scheduled that first task to begin. So click on that and my start date is now changed.

So if we were building a house and we had a start date of March 4th, the chances are that our objective would be to finish building the house as soon as possible. And one of the things that we would be using Microsoft Project for would be to help us to schedule the work on building the house which would enable us to finish as quickly as possible, get the house on the market, sell it, and get the money for it. However, that’s not the only sort of project scheduling requirement and if you just go down a couple of controls to there, you find one that says Schedule from project start date. You’ll use this a lot. You’re saying start on March the 4th, do the scheduling from the start date, and get it finished as quickly as possible. But there is another option and if you click on this one, the other option is project finish date and there are some projects where your objective is not to start now and finish as soon as possible but to start as late as possible with the objective of finishing on or by a particular date. So for example, supposing that you were planning a wedding or supposing that at work you were planning a big event, maybe a company meeting, maybe an announcement to the press. Your objective would be to finish by a certain date not to start on a certain date. In that case, the point I made about making absolutely sure that you’re start date is right would become equally important for your finish date, and that is you’d have a finish date and you’d know I must be finished by that date and rather than saying as with the start date scheduling that I want to finish as soon as possible, you may say here’s my end date but I want to start as late as possible. So I don’t want to start getting ready for this event now if I don’t need to. Tell me how late I can leave my preparations.

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