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The Quick Access Toolbar is at the top left-hand corner of the window, the purpose of which is to give quick access to a selected small number of commands that people use frequently and really want at their fingertips so that they can execute them quickly and easily whenever they need them. The Quick Access Toolbar is of course customizable, and there are plenty of commands to choose from. You can add more commands to the toolbar. In the same way, you can also remove commands from the Quick Access Toolbar. Learn more in this video!

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Hello and welcome back to our course on Project 2013. In this section, we’re going to take a look at the Quick Access Toolbar which sits in the top left hand corner of the window. The purpose of the Quick Access Toolbar, as its name implies, is to give us quick access to a selected small number of commands that we use frequently and really want at our fingertips so that we can execute them quickly and easily whenever we need them.

Now at any one time on the Quick Access Toolbar, you’ll be able to see a selection of commands. On mine at the moment, there are actually four shown. There is Save, there is Undo and there is Redo and there is the command that we used, the button that we used to switch between touch and mouse mode. Now noticeably, the Redo command is currently grayed out. The reason it’s grayed out is because redo means redo something I’ve just undone. I’ve not undone anything so there’s nothing to redo so that commands grayed out. But in general terms, if I click on the drop down to the right hand end here, the one that has the screen tip of Customize Quick Access Toolbar, I’ll see that there are about a dozen commands that I can show and I show or hide them just by checking them. So if I wanted the Quick Print command here on the Quick Access Toolbar, if I just check it by clicking it, Quick Print now appears up there as well. Now it’s not a good idea to have loads and loads of these commands spreading across the top of the window because you’re going to clash into other things, but if you choose the ones that you think are most useful to you to have always on hand, that’s the process of customizing the Quick Access Toolbar.

Now in addition to switching commands on and off, you can actually customize it in a more extensive way and you can add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar. So let’s take a look at how to do that. So to customize the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the drop down there and then one of the commands down at the bottom says More Commands, click on that, and that takes us into another page of the Project Options, the page that’s called Quick Access Toolbar. Now on that page there is a list initially of the popular commands within Project 2013. There may be about 50 of those commands. But if I use the drop down at the top here, you’ll see that if I looked at All Commands, so select that instead, you will see that in Project 2013 overall there are literally hundreds of commands and I could add any of those to the Quick Access Toolbar. Now I’m not going to add some sort of vaguely esoteric command. Let’s go back to the popular ones. Let’s choose say the Copy command. If I select Copy there and click on Add, the button in the middle, the Copy command will be added to the Quick Access Toolbar. If I then click on OK, you can now see up there, there is a Copy command on the Quick Access Toolbar.

So it’s as easy as that to customize what’s shown. What sometimes happens if you’re doing a particular job in Project 2013 is that you find you have something repetitive to do. I mentioned earlier on that you might create your own tab and your own group and put your own commands in it. Well, another good option is being able to add one or two commands to the Quick Access Toolbar while you’re doing perhaps a particular job and then you can remove them again.

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