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During this Microsoft Project 2016 training tutorial video, you will learn the different methods of formatting a Gantt Chart. We will show you how to format a Gantt Chart manually or using the wizard.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Project 2016. In this section we’re going to take a look at Gantt Chart formatting.
This is a topic on which we could spend an awful lot of time. I don’t propose to spend very time on it but I do intend to introduce you to some of the basic principles of formatting and then if you need to format your Gantt Charts extensively I’ll leave you to experiment with many of the tools that are available in Project 2016.

Now when it comes to formatting you really have two major options. There is a high level tool called the Gantt Chart Wizard which can do an awful lot of heavy formatting for you and come up with pretty smart standard styles for Gantt Charts that can be very good for fitting in say as part of a presentation where you’re preparing other parts of the presentation in other tools. And then there is what you might call the manual approach to formatting a Gantt Chart. We’ve done a little bit of the manual approach already. I’ve demonstrated things like changing the font in a column. But the range of tools for manually formatting a Gantt Chart is actually quite impressive. I’m going to show you a couple of examples of manual formatting and then as I say I’ll leave you to it.

Now before we get started here is an important point. If you’re going to work on formatting a Gantt Chart, in fact if you’re going to work on formatting any view, changing the layout, even changing the timescale and so on, unless you’re just doing a small temporary job and you know what you’re doing and you may want to leave things as they are or maybe just do an Undo to go back to where you were. If you’re planning to do something that may be a major change it’s a very good idea not to work on the particular view, in this case say a Gantt Chart View, but to work on a copy of it so that you can always go back to the original. Now I ought to qualify that just a little by the fact that if you look at the View Tab, Task Views Group on the left where the Gantt Chart button is. If you click on the dropdown at the bottom one of the options is Reset to Default.

Now you might think well that will do the job for me. If all goes wrong I can reset to the default. And to some extent that’s true. The problem is that the default really is the default when you got Project out of the box if you like. So if you’ve done some formatting some time ago, you’ve been working on your formatted version for some time and then you do a second batch of changes say and you want to go back to where you were after the first batch, Reset to Default won’t do that. It’ll take you right back to the beginning again. So if I’m going to work in this case on Gantt Chart View and I want to make some changes to it I would normally make a copy of it and work on the copy. Now I’ll come back to that in a few minutes time. Let’s concentrate now on the Gantt Chart Wizard.

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