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During this Microsoft Project 2016 training tutorial video, we will show you the different types of tasks that are available in Project 2016. Other points being discussed in this video are the available options when adding resources to a task. These options are "reduce duration but keep the same amount of work," "increase the amount of work but keep the same duration," and "reduce the hours resources work per day (units), but keep the same duration and work."

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Project 2016.
Now that you know how to assign resources to tasks the next thing we need to move on to is producing a workable schedule given the resources that are available. In order to do that there are a couple of fundamental things that you need to understand. And perhaps the most important thing to understand with Project 2016 is the different task types that can be involved in projects.

Now in order to illustrate this I’m using a sort of dummy project, just a very simple project with three tasks in it, A, B, and C. Currently they’re each two day tasks and a resource, Jane, is working on those tasks. And Jane is working for eight hours a day. So on task A Jane is doing 16 hours work, task B 16 hours work, C 16 hours work and so on.

Now let’s suppose that I provide Jane with some help. I say, “Jane, John is going to help you.” If I assign John to task A what do you think would happen? Now what may happen is you may look at it and say well obviously Jane is going to be able to get that job done in half the time. So instead of being a two day task it’s going to be a one day task. And obviously that is one option. But there are a couple of other options as well. One other option is that if John works on that task as well it will still take two days but they will do 32 hours work during that time. So with twice as much resource twice as much work gets done but in the same time. Another possibility is that we still want to get our 16 hours of work done and we still want to do it in two days but the fact that we’ve got both Jane and John working on it means that they only each need to devote half their time to it. So we effectively have three options. And those three options correspond to the three options you saw in the previous section when Project 2016 said you’ve changed information about resourcing on a task. Which of these three options would you like to use when you apply that additional resource?

Now let me just show you that again. I’m going to now right click on task A. I’m going to click on Assign Resources. I’m going to choose John and I’m going to say Assign. Now notice the little warning sign on the left there. Now note that Project has assumed that in assigning John I still want to spend two days on this task but by having that second person we’re getting twice as much work done. So let’s go over to that warning sign, click on the dropdown. The default option there, the middle one, Increase the amount of work but keep the same duration. The first one was, Reduce the duration but keep the same amount of work. So in that case we would have said well we’re still going to do 16 hours work but because we’ve got two people on it we can do it in a day. The third option, Reduce the hours resources worked per day, the units, but keep the same duration and work. So we say it’s still a two day task. It’s still only going to be 16 hours work but Jane and John only need to work half the time each.

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