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During this Microsoft Project 2016 training tutorial video, you will learn about different types of constraint. Some of these are As Late As Possible, As Soon As Possible, Finish No Earlier Than a specific date, Finish No Later Than a specific date, Must Finish on a certain date, or Must Start on a certain date. You will also be able to know more about deadlines.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Project 2016.
Since we last looked at the wedding plan I’ve added quite a bit more detail to it in terms of the durations of many of the tasks and quite a few straightforward dependencies. So for example, if you look down at ID 20, Catering, within that there are two pairs of tasks, Make caterer shortlist and then Book caterer and Finalize menu. I’ve allowed fifteen days for making a shortlist of caterers and talking to them, making a decision about which one to book and then finalizing the menu with them. I’ve allowed fifteen days for each of those tasks. And then I’ve done the same for the baker, the baker who’s going to make the wedding cake.

Now it may look from the current plan that we could get this wedding through very, very quickly. But as you can see one of the main issues is that we’re doing everything all at once right at the start of the project. And in reality that’s not what would happen. There just wouldn’t be enough time in a short period of time, of in this case a few weeks, to do all of those things at the same time. And as we’ll see later on in the course there are various factors, various reasons that will force us to spread these activities out over time. But for the moment I want to just leave the plan like this except for adding a few dependencies that are really very important.

Now one situation that arises very often when you’re working on projects is that there are one or two key decisions to make. And there are certain things you must do before you make those key decisions and there are certain other things you can’t do until after you’ve made those key decisions. And what I want to look at first in this section is the very key decision of the wedding date, the date of the wedding itself. Now you can’t do everything before you decide on the date. So for example we talked in the previous section about making out the guest list and sending out the invitations. You can’t send out the invitations until you’ve set the wedding date.

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