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During this Microsoft Project 2016 training tutorial video, we will show you some of the basic ways of assigning resources to specific tasks. We will also discuss about other functions like increasing the amount of work but keeping the same duration.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Project 2016. In this section we’re going to look at the basics of assigning resources to tasks. In the previous section we set up a few resources for the wedding project. Clearly there are going to be many more. But let’s switch back to Gantt Chart View using the button towards the right hand end of the Status Bar.

And I’m going to choose one of the tasks and assign resources to it. Select Agree budget and approach, right click, and click Assign Resources. Now that brings up the Assign Resources dialogue. And in the dialogue you can see a list of the available resources. Later on in the course we’ll look at the fact that as the number of resources available in a project grows you may need to filter this list in order to find a particular resource or resources that you need. But at the moment we’ve got such a short list of resources that it’s easy to find the one that we want to assign.

I’m going to assign the bride and groom to this task. I’m going to work on the principle that the bride and groom are arranging this wedding themselves. I appreciate that in many situations it will perhaps be family members or other relations or friends that will be doing some or all of the organizing. But I’m trying to make this not too complicated. To assign a resource all I need to do is to select that resource, in this case the bride is already selected and then click on Assign.

Now when I assign a resource to a task like that it doesn’t automatically close the Assign Resources dialogue. You note there a separate Close button. But what you can see if first of all the number of units. Well 100% represents one bride. So there’s one bride attached to that task which is just as well really because we only have one bride available. And the cost of the bride working on that task is zero. Don’t forget that the rate for the bride chargeable to this project is $0 per hour. So if she’s working on that task for ten days then she’s still not going to charge us any money for doing it.

Now one very important point I’d like you to bear in mind here and this is going to become increasingly important later in the course. Is that the 100% means that the bride is working on this task fulltime.

Now in reality it may well be that she is not working fulltime and that she’s actually doing her day job most of the time and she’s just spending a certain amount of time working on, in this case, the budget and approach to her wedding. But for the purposes of this particular project and this will not be the case for the bathroom refit, but for the purposes of this project all I’m going to do is treat that 100% as being all of the time that she has available.

That doesn’t mean to say it’s a 40 hour week or an eight hour day or anything else. It just means that all of the time she’s got available she is going to spend on that task while that task is in progress. Now fortunately while that task is in progress she doesn’t actually have any other tasks on the wedding so she can spend all of her time on it.

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