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During this Microsoft Project 2016 training tutorial video, we will show you how to bring up and use the Online Help feature in circumstances where you need help in a particular topic. Other points being discussed in this video include the reports dialog and the new "Tell me what you want to do" feature.

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Welcome back to our course on Project 2016. In this section I’m going to look at Help. And for those of you who have used Project before Help in 2016 is a little bit different in terms of how it works. And in line with virtually all other modern major software products you’re very much restricted on Help if you are not online.

So I’m going to demonstrate Help offline in a little while but let’s start with online. And let’s start with how you access Help. Now as I pointed out earlier on in the course if you see this little question mark icon up here it’s a Help link. And you can either click on Help or use the F1 keyboard shortcut. In fact in Project 2016 it’s probably a better idea to get used to using the F1 keyboard shortcut because quite often you don’t see the question mark icon.

But let me click on the icon now anyway and that takes me to the Help Homepage. The Help Homepage has a list of what it calls the top categories. Each item in the list is expandable. So Get Started, for instance, if I click on that, gives me a number of options. So I’ve got what’s new in Project 2016, basic tasks, etcetera. Choose one of those, what’s new in Project 2016 for example and that takes me either to another menu or in this case it takes me through to a Help page. Having arrived at this page there may well be links to other Help pages. And the Help is basically browser based. So I have options such as a Back button and then I also have a Home button which will take me home. So that’s back to the Homepage with the top categories listed again. And whichever topic I’m on I have the option to print that topic using that Print Button.

And if you have a need for the text to be larger on a particular page this button enables you to change to a larger size of text in the Help or to reduce the size of the text. And very importantly within the Help system there is a Search facility. So if you want help on a particular topic, let’s suppose you want help on the topic Entry Bar. You want to know how to, for example, enable or disable the entry bar. Type in Entry Bar and there you see a list of topics related to the search term.

The first topic has Entry Bar in it. Later topics will have either the word Entry or the word Bar together or separately. And like most of the search functions that we use nowadays it prioritizes them according to the closeness of match to the search term. Incidentally in this particular case you might like to just note that activate the entry bar to edit text in a field, F2. If you can’t see the Entry Bar in your installation of Project 2016 that’s how you bring it up. You use the F2 key.

Now let’s go back home again. I’m not going to go through these Help topics now but I suggest that with Get Started you make a point of going through some of those basic topics. Obviously I’m going to cover these topics during the course. And in most cases I’ll be covering things in much more detail than the Help does but it’s always a good idea to get a different view on these topics and of course to get the official Microsoft view. So do try to find some time to go through these Help topics. Perhaps going through them as we cover them on the course. Now when you’ve finished using Help all you need to do is to close the browser using the Close button in the top right hand corner there.

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