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During this Microsoft Access 2016 training tutorial video, we will show you how to create a relationship between two tables.

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Welcome back to our course on Access 2016. In this section we’re going to start to look at Relationships.
Something that I haven’t mentioned before is that Access is a relational database management system. And with Access you create relational databases. What we mean by a relational database is that at the basis, at the core of the system is a set of tables and the relationships between the entities in those tables.
Now in order to demonstrate what we mean by this I’m going to create a relationship between two tables. And since we only have one table so far in the Esprit de Tour database, that’s the trip table, I need to create a second table. And that’s what I’m going to do first in this section.

Now very early on in the course I talked about a trip type. And I pointed out at the beginning that I wasn’t going to store trip type in the trip table. What I’m going to do now is to create a new table and that table will hold a list of the types of trip that Esprit de Tour offer.
So first of all we go to Create. Now on this occasion I’m going to click on Table Design and that gives me an empty table without even an ID field in it because on this occasion, and this is a little bit controversial, not everybody will agree with this, but on this occasion I’m not going to have an ID AutoNumber-type field. I’m only at this stage going to have a single field in this table and it’s going to be Type and it’s data type will be short text. Now given that it is the only field in the table I need to make it the primary key of the table. So the type itself will uniquely identify a record in this table. So I select this field, then I can make it the primary key by clicking the Primary Key button in the Tools group on the Design tab. That is now the primary key of this table.

Now let’s check some of the other properties. Field size. Trip types won’t generally be very long so I’m going to set a maximum size of 30. I’m going to say that definitely a type is required. It’s the only field so without that there is no record. Do I allow zero length? No, I don’t. And is it indexed? Yes, but no duplicates. As it is the primary key we couldn’t have a duplicate value here. So basically that is the single field in my new table. Now let me save that table. And I’m going to call it tblType.

So let me open up my type table. Of course it’s completely empty at the moment but I know how to enter data. And the first record that I’m going to enter is Activity. So that is one of my types. Now by the way I mentioned in a preceding section how you can always save these records by just clicking on the next one. There are various ways that you can move on to the next record to enter the data. If I press the down arrow key now it takes me to the next record. Of course it validates the one that I’ve entered to make sure that it’s a valid set of fields. In this case a single field. So the next one is, so I’ll just type in the rest of these and join me again at the end of me doing that.

Now having done a set of typing like this don’t forget there is a spell

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