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During this Microsoft Access 2016 training tutorial video, we will discuss sorting and filtering in datasheet view. We will demonstrate how to apply filters including text and numeric filters, advanced filtering, as well as basic sorting.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Access 2016.
In this section we’re going to look at sorting and filtering in Datasheet View. And in fact both this and the next section it’s a good idea if you are working along with me to have the Home tab selected because a lot of the things that we’re going to do are accessible via the Home tab, although many of them can be done using just what’s available within Datasheet View itself.

Now the first thing we’re going to look at is filtering. At the moment we have about a dozen or so trips in our trip table. So it’s really not difficult to see all of the trips at once. And if I were trying to select one of these for myself I could scroll through and decide which one looked most attractive or was within my price range or whatever.
Once you’ve got a very large number of trips to choose from, if I say wanted to find one in my price range or going to a particular country or with a particular level of difficulty I really wouldn’t want to have to go through hundreds, maybe thousands of these to find the ones that match my criterion or criteria.

Filtering can help in this way because if you want to, for example, find all of the trips that are classified as moderate you can filter to find that. Now there is a Sort and Filter group on the Ribbon and you can do that using that group. But you can also use the ActivityLevel column itself in Datasheet View.

If you go to the ActivityLevel column and click on the little dropdown to the right it makes available sorts and filters. Now I’m going to look at sorting a little bit later on in this section. Let’s concentrate on filters.

Now at the moment the first of those filters, Select All, is selected. If I deselect it I now have nothing selected in the ActivityLevel column. But if what I wanted to see was the moderate trips, if I click on just Moderate and click on OK all I can see now are the trips that are classified as Moderate. Having applied a filter you get that little Filter icon here, like the little filter you used to get in chemistry at school, indicating that a filter has been applied. And if I wanted to clear the filter I click on that button again. There’s an option there, Clear Filter from ActivityLevel, and that effectively puts it back to no filter, which in this case is the same as all activity levels being shown.

Now filters can get to become a lot more complex than that. So for instance if I wanted to filter by country, again click on the little icon there, the little dropdown icon. I’m going to deselect all here. Well I want somewhere in the Americas so that’s Costa Rica or the U.S.A., click on OK, and now I can see the trips that are to anywhere in the Americas. And again I can clear that in the same way.

There are then some specialized types of filter. Let’s go to the Description column now. Now clearly I’m not going to match those long, long descriptions. But what I get here with a long text field is text filters. And text filters are much more flexible. So for instance I could say I want to go on a trip where the description includes the word Trek. So the description contains Trek. So it will look at all those

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