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During this Microsoft Access 2016 training tutorial video, we will talk about backing up your database. This is an important topic that can help you recover valuable data that may be lost due to a computer crash or a stolen laptop. You can protect your data with backup and restore processes by planning regular backups, backing up split databases, and restoring a full database or individual objects in a database.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Access 2016.
In this section we’re going to look at a very important topic and one which will slightly interrupt our flow in terms of further developing our databases. But once you start storing even a moderate amount of data in an Access database you need to make sure that that data is safe.

Now various things can go wrong. For instance let’s suppose that you’re working through this course on a laptop and you’re setting up your movies and you’re starting to add movie information, maybe you’ve started creating a database covering something of your own interest as well. If somebody stole your laptop with all of your work on it you’d be more than a little unhappy. Unfortunately another possibility is that you’re working away on your Access database or databases and for some reason one of them gets broken. Something happens. It could be Access’s fault not yours but the database stops working.

Now one very important thing to have up your sleeve in either of these situations is a backup copy of your database. Now I should point out that what I’m talking about in this section relates to Access desktop databases and not Access apps or web apps, which we’re going to look at a bit later on. And I should also point out that one of the big advantages of Access is that in the configuration that we have at the moment everything is in one file, one ACCDB file, so you don’t actually have to do anything other than keep a safe copy of your ACCDB file.

Now I should also point out that the use of a single ACCDB file is only one way of creating and operating Access desktop databases. There are options such as splitting the database which mean that you can separate out the data from what’s called the UI, the User Interface. But here I am talking in this section just about the situation where we have a single ACCDB file.

Now in order to take a backup it really is a straightforward case of copying that file on a regular basis. And when you do it will depend on how much you use the database. So if you tend to use a database every day, do quite a bit of work on it you don’t want to lose a load of data, maybe you’re entering new records every day. You probably want to take a copy of the file every day. If you only use it occasionally you may want to take a copy of it say just after you’ve done a batch of work on it, on a more irregular basis. Other situations in which you might want to take a backup copy might be just before you make a major design change. So let’s suppose you’re working on the movie database, you’ve added a load of movies and you’re just about to add the actors to the movies and maybe make some more changes to the movie table. Immediately before that would be a good idea to take a backup of your database so that if it all goes horribly wrong you can get back to that backup copy.

You’ll also see later on in the course when we talk about queries that you might do what are called Action Queries, queries where you update some data using

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