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During this Microsoft Access 2016 training tutorial video, we'll introduce you to the basic ways of importing data into an Access database. We will be importing data from an Excel workbook.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Access 2016.
In this section I’m going to introduce you to one or two basic ways of importing data into an Access database. Now before we start I should point out that so far and in fact for most of this course when we talk about an Access database we really mean a single file, an ACCDB file. And within that ACCDB file there are many things. Amongst the things within an ACCDB file there will be a number of tables. Now we’ve already created one or two tables and of course in a database that supports particularly some kind of business activity there will probably be many tables.

Now it’s not the case that the tables holding the data will always be in the database, in our case the ACCDB file that you’re working on. Sometimes the tables may be external to your database. Let me give you an example. I mentioned just a little earlier on that when it comes to dealing with people booking vacations with Esprit de Tour and paying for vacations they probably book and pay for them using their local currency. So there will be a table somewhere where we look up a currency conversion rate.

Now that is not a table that we would necessarily maintain in our own database. We may use a table in another database somewhere else or we may use a service, links to a currency exchange database. And it will quite often be the case that a database application will get its data from a number of tables in a number of different places. Now when we get data in that way, when we basically access data from somewhere else we use the general term Linking. And one of the things that you can do in Access is to link two tables in other databases. Now I’m not going to cover linking in this course.

If you go to the External Data tab you’ll see that there are two groups on that tab. There is an Import and Link group and there’s an Export group. Now Export we’re going to look at later. Import and Link, well I’ve just said we’re not going to cover link. What we’re going to look at in this section is Import.

Now what happens when we import data is that we will get data from somewhere else but we will import it into one or more tables in our own Access database. Now there are various places that you can import data from. For instance you can import data from an Excel workbook. You can import data from another Access database. You can import data from a selection of ODBC. That’s Open Database Connectivity databases. That means other types of database, not necessarily Access databases but which conform to a standard that is called ODBC. And in fact there are many other places. You can get data from XML files. You can get data from SharePoint, from data services. This would include something like a currency exchange service. So there are many other places you can get data from to import into Access. But what I’m going to cover on this section by way of an introduction to importing data is importing data from a text file. And this is a very common

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