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This Microsoft Access 2016 training tutorial video is the third part of the Tables chapter of this course. We will continue on setting up our database and will be utilizing the Lookup Wizard. We will be adding activity level, country, and description fields in our tour database.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Access 2016. In this section we’re going to continue setting up the trip table and we’re going to turn our attention now to the next field which is ActivityLevel.

Now the key difference between ActivityLevel and the fields we’ve dealt with so far is that ActivityLevel is going to offer the operator, the person setting up the trips a number of options and the operator will choose from the options. Now the actual number could be quite a small number, as in this case. We’re just going to set up three options. Or you could have 20 or 50 or 100, as many as you like really. But how those options are kept is another matter. Now in this particular example we’re going to keep them in what I think is probably the easiest way that there is. But later on in the course we’re going to have to extend this into some sort of more complex and flexible arrangements.

So all I do here is when I click in Data Type the option I’m going to select is Lookup Wizard because the options that are available here will be looked up from a list. And we’re going to set this list up using the Lookup Wizard.

Now the Lookup Wizard is a sequence of screens. And on the first page it says, The wizard creates a lookup field which displays a list of values you can choose from. How do you want your lookup field to get its values? Well the first option is to get the values from another table or from a database query. Now that’s the method we’re going to use later. For this first example we’re just going to type in the values that are available. So we’re going to choose the second option. Click Next. Now when it comes to setting the options up the user may be selecting from just a list of single items or the list itself they choose from could be more complex. And it could have more than one column of information in the list. Now we’re going to stick with a one column example here. And the options we’re offering for ActivityLevel are Leisurely or Leisurely, Moderate, and Challenging. And each of our trips will be classified according to one of those three options.

So having entered the three options we click on Next. What label would you like for your lookup field? Well I’m going to stick with ActivityLevel. I should point out that generally speaking when I’m naming fields I name them without spaces and I try to use pretty straightforward simple names which reflect what information is in each field. Various people use various other approaches to naming fields. Some people will put spaces in them. There’s no reason that you shouldn’t technically. But they do cause a little bit more work later on, particularly if you get into programming within Access 2016.

And once you have spaces in field names there are certain conventions you have to follow when referring to fields. And I don’t find a particular need to put spaces in. I tend to use a version of what’s called camel case or there’s various other names by which it’s known whereby I keep the capitalization on the words. So ActivityLevel has a capital A and a capital on the first L to make it easier to see what the words in the name are. Similarly

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