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This Access 2016 training tutorial video is the first part of the Tables chapter of this course. We will be creating a working database and start adding some content. The sample we will be using is a tour database. We will show you how to create and name a table, and add a unique ID and code.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Access 2016.
It’s time now to do some real work on creating a working database. And the main example that I’m going to use during the course is the Tour database. We created an empty starting point for that database a little while ago. And what we’re going to do in this section is to start to add some content.

Now before we actually begin the first thing I want to do is to change what’s shown in the title bar there. By default I get the file name, including the location on my device, the format, etcetera. Let’s go into Access Options and give that a title.

Now really the core of any Access database, in fact any database is the data. And the data in modern databases are held in tables. And for the Tour database we are going to have a number of tables.
Now the first table we’re going to create is the table that really contains the details of what we call our core trips. And a trip is one particular entity, something that one of our travelers can do. And during a course of a year we may run a trip several times and each instance of a trip we’re going to call a tour. So say in a trip that we run all year round, say it’s a two or three week trip, we might run it 15 or 20 times throughout the year. So that one trip will have many tours.

So the first thing that I’ve done is to put together an example of the kind of information that I’m going to keep about a trip. Each trip will have a code. And the code for this trip is GCA. And GCA, those letters are arrived as sort of abbreviation of the name of the trip. The name of the trip is the Grand Canyon Family Rafting Adventure. The type of trip. Well it’s actually got several types. It’s a family trip, it’s escorted, it’s a group trip, involved activity, and there are landscapes to admire on this trip. The activity level is moderate.

The country visited is the U.S.A. And then there is a description of the trip, just a sentence or two normally. Now of course later on we may add much more detail about the trip, such as a full itinerary, but for the moment we’re just setting up a description.

The duration of the trip is stored in days. So eight days normally means seven nights. And the price range, excluding flights, is in the range $3,080 - $3,112. Individual tours, so instances of this trip, the prices will vary depending on, for example, the time of year, whether it’s in school holiday, school vacation time, for example. And also to some extent will tend to vary the prices to reflect demand. So we maybe drop the price when the trip is not quite so popular.

Now all of that information ultimately will be stored for a trip. But there’s one particular part of it, the type, that I am not going to store in the Trip table at the moment. Now the reason for that will become apparent to you later on in the course. I’m going to come to that in a few sections from now. You may be tempted once you’ve looked at how I store the other information about the trip to store the type in a similar way to the way that we’re going to store activity level. But in fact from a database design point of view the facility to

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