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During this Microsoft Access 2016 training tutorial video, we will talk about Access Options which is a major aspect of customization of both your installation and use of the program. We will cover the most important options to set correctly at this point of this course.

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Welcome back to our course on Access 2016.
In this section we’re going to take a look at Access Options. And these are a major aspect of the customization of both your installation of Access 2016 and how you use it. If you’ve used a recent version of Access before you can probably skip this section. And in fact in this section I’m really just going to introduce you to Access Options and cover some of the most important options to set correctly at this early stage and then we’ll be returning to Access Options throughout the course as we need to look at new options in the light of new material that we cover.

So to open Access Options we normally go into Backstage View and down and click on Options. You’ve seen this dialog before. And the options are arranged in pages and I’m going to start up at the first page, General.

Now the first few settings there are not the most important settings in Access Options but I want to demonstrate the general principle so let’s look at one or two of those. Let’s begin with that top one, Enable Live Preview. Now it’s currently checked. Let’s just cancel the options. And let me go into Form Design. And in Form Design I’m going to click on Themes and we’re going to look at some of the themes that we might apply to this form. Watch what happens as I hover over these themes. Note how the color of the form changes and the font changes, the font size changes, etcetera. That’s because what’s happening is live preview. Now let’s go back into Access Options, let’s switch off Live Preview. Having made a change in Options I click on OK to enable and confirm that change. Let’s go through Themes again. Now let me hover over those themes again and there is no change happening. You’re not getting the live preview.

Now you may say, “Well, why would I not want live preview?” For some people some aspects of how Access works can be distracting and in many cases can be completely unnecessary and can actually slow the system down in some situations. And particularly once you’ve been using Access 2016 for a while you may find that some aspects of what Access 2016 can do to help you you no longer need. Let’s look at another example.

If I hover over the commands up here on the Ribbon each of them gives me a what’s called a Screen Tip. And that screen tip is the name of what this particular button is or does. So that one’s Image, that one’s Bound Object Frame, that one’s Subform Report. In some cases if I hover over a button not only do I get a name, in this case Logo, but I get a description of what it does. And if I go back into Access Options again, by the way I’m just going to enable Live Preview again, I can control those screen tips using this dropdown here. And there are three available options. Show feature descriptions, that’s the long description, Don’t show feature descriptions, Don’t show screen tips at all. If I set Don’t show screen tips, click on OK, now if I hover over those buttons that one says nothing, that one says nothing.

Now again some people find those screen tips distracting and although I generally have them switched on when I’m recording a training course because it helps people to see what each of these buttons does it’s actually quite awkward because

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