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During this Microsoft Access 2016 training tutorial video, we will discuss the uses of the status bar and how to customize it.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on Access 2016.
In this section we’re going to take a look at the Status Bar. I pointed it out to you earlier on in the course. Let’s look in a little bit more detail about what the Status Bar can do for us.
If we have a form open, note here that I have the Contact List form open. If you look at the Home tab on the Ribbon the left most group is Views.

There’s one button on there, View. It’s got a little dropdown arrow at the bottom. And you can switch between different views of a form. So for instance, Form View looks like that. That’s the Contact List in Form View. Layout View. That’s the Contact List in Layout View. And Design View. That’s the Contact List in Design View. So that’s three different views of the Contact List form.

Those three correspond to the three buttons that are down at the bottom right hand end of the Status Bar. And Design View is the one that we have at the moment. I could go Layout View and then I can go Form View. So you can see there are two different ways of switching between the views of that form.

Now if I right click on the Status Bar somewhere you’ll see that Customize Status Bar panel there that we saw before. And right at the bottom View Shortcuts. Now the fact that that is ticked means that on the Status Bar at the moment we will see the View Shortcuts. If I untick it you no longer see those shortcuts. So it’s the ticking and unticking that controls what you see on the Status Bar. And as I mentioned earlier on one of the main functions of the Status Bar is to give us information about what’s happening at the moment. It tells us the status of things.

Now you might look at that and say, “Well okay I can see that I can switch on and off the View Shortcuts but there are seven other things ticked there and there’s nothing else on the Status Bar.” And the reason is this. For many of the current pieces of status information you will only see something if there is something for Access 2016 to show. Let me give you an example. When I’m looking at something like this Contact List, let’s suppose that I’ve got hundreds, thousands of contacts and I want to just see the contacts with a particular job title. I can do what’s called a filtering of the list in this case. And if I go to the Job Title heading there and click on that little dropdown I could say Text Filters equals and I can say I only want to see the contacts whose job title is manager. Click on OK. The list is now filtered on Manager.

Now note how the word Filtered has now appeared on the Status Bar. It’s there to remind me that the list I’m looking at at the moment is filtered. Now if I clear that filter it no longer says Filtered on the Status Bar. And if in fact I would have customized the Status Bar and say well I’m not particularly interested in whether it’s filtered or not so I’m going to switch off that filtered item and then I’m going to go back and put that same filter on again. I’ve applied the filter but it no longer tells me on the Status Bar that the contact list is filtered. So even though in this case we have many items enabled on the Status Bar many of them will only show something if indeed there is something to show.

That’s the Status Bar. I’ll see you in the next section.