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During this Microsoft Access 2016 training tutorial video, we will take a detailed look at the Ribbon and be familiarized with the tabs, groups, and dialog box launcher. We will also show you how to collapse the Ribbon and how to customize it.

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Welcome back to our course on Access 2016. In this section we’re going to look in some detail at the Ribbon in Access 2016. If you’re familiar with the use of the Ribbon from a recent version of Access or perhaps from another component of Office 2016 you can probably skip this section.

The Ribbon in Office programs was introduced starting in Office 2007 but mostly in Office 2010 to replace the old conventional menu system. And the idea of the Ribbon is to make it easier to locate and use commands and settings and controls that you might need in a desktop program. The Ribbon in Access 2016 works pretty much the same way as the Ribbon does in other components of Office 2016. The Ribbon is that big bar up there. And what we normally say is that it’s divided into tabs.

The tab that’s currently shown is the Home tab here. And it’s easy to select one of the other tabs. All you need to do is to click on it. So that’s the Create tab, that’s the External Data tab, and so on. On the left where it says File, by now you know that’s how you get into Backstage View. That is not one of the Ribbon tabs. And on the right Tell Me you’ve already seen that that’s not a Ribbon tab either. The four tabs that you can see are pretty much by default always shown. But there are many other tabs and I’m going to point out some of them to you later on in this section.

Now apart from switching between the tabs in that way by clicking if you actually put the mouse over the Ribbon and you’ve got a scroll wheel on your mouse then you can actually scroll through the tabs with the scroll wheel. Let’s go back to the Home tab.

On a tab there are a number of groups. The groups are divided by vertical lines. So in the case of the Home tab you’ve got a Views group, a Clipboard group, a Sort and Filter group, and so on. And each of those is separated from the next by that very thin vertical line. Within a group there are a number of controls. So for example, if you look at the Clipboard group on the Home tab there are four controls shown, Paste, Cut, Copy, and Format Painter. Now I should point out that it will quite often be the case if you’re using a screen which is very different from mine in either size or resolution or aspect ratio you won’t always necessarily see the same commands in a group arranged in the same way that I do. You’ll always be able to access the commands that you need but they won’t necessarily be arranged in exactly the same way as they are on my device.

Now continuing to look at that Clipboard group what you may notice is that Copy is in black and the other three are grayed out. And at any one time if a command is usable you’ll see the text there in black, as in this case Copy. So I could copy what’s selected. But Paste is disabled because I haven’t got anything copied to the Clipboard. If I did copy something to the Clipboard, so if I clicked on Copy now then Paste will become enabled and I could paste what I’ve copied somewhere else.

Now in terms of what the various controls actually do it does vary quite a bit. There are some controls that, for example, bring up another dialog. So for instance if I go over to the right hand end of the Home tab here in the Text Formatting group, the bottom right hand corner there is what’s called a little dialog box launcher.

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