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In this QuickBooks Pro 2017 training video tutorial for beginners, discover how to manage and work customers and jobs in QuickBooks Pro.

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Hey there. Welcome back. We’ve made it all the way down now to module 4 where we’re going to talk in this module about working with customers and jobs for those customers. Remember that customers are people that buy from you. Some customers have different jobs that you might work on on a regular basis. That’s where we get the terminology Customers and Jobs and QuickBooks lets you set up both of those.

This is section 1 and this is part 1. So make sure you watch both parts so you know how to set these up properly. Let’s go ahead and flip over QuickBooks and start looking at customers.
First of all let me show you how to get to the Customer Center which is where you’ll see a list of all your customers. Remember there’s several ways to do it. This is probably the most common way by clicking right here on Customers and this is what they call the Customer Center. Now we don’t have any customers set up in ours because it’s a brand new company file. So here’s what I’d like to do.

I mentioned to you way back that you do have some sample files that you can go into if you want to see how something should be set up. We’re going to actually close the company file we created here. So we’ll Close Company/Logoff and we’re actually going to open one of those sample files. We’re going to open the sample_product-based business. This particular one happens to be a construction company called Rock Castle Construction. And when you open a sample file it does give you a sample date. And they’re setting this one at 12/15 of 2021.

Now when we open this up you’re going to see that all of the settings we had set earlier, that was for a different company file so I’m going to have to set those again if I want them in this company file.

So just a quick review. I’m going to move the icon bar to the top. That was under View, Top Icon Bar. The next thing I’ll do under View is I’ll go back to the Open Windows list. And now let’s just maximize this window right in here.

Now so there’s a couple of preferences I’m going to turn on because if not I’m going to end up screwing this up as we go along. So I’m going to go back to the Edit and choose Preferences here and the big one that gets me every time is under General. I’m going to choose Press Enter to move between the fields. There you go. Now it’ll work a little bit better for us.

Let’s go ahead and look at the Customer Center in the practice file.
You’ll notice on the left you have a list of all of your customers. If you can’t see the list go ahead and expand the column a little wider so you can see the full name in this particular list. Notice it shows you the customer and these are jobs for that customer. Also the balance that’s due for the entire customer or per job. This column over here where it says Attachment, notice the little paperclip. You can actually double click and attach a file to this customer. Maybe you had a Word document or an Excel file. You can go ahead and attach it here so you don’t have to get out of QuickBooks and go search for it when you need it.

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