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In this QuickBooks Pro 2017 training video tutorial for beginners, learn how setup company preferences using QuickBooks Pro 2017.

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Hey there. Welcome back. We’re still working in module 3 where we’re talking about customizing the QuickBooks environment. We started working on section 1 which are the Preferences and I wanted to go ahead and continue those preferences here in part 2.

So let me go ahead and flip back to QuickBooks and we’ll continue.
Let me go back on the left to one I skipped over. I want to go back to Payments for a moment. There’s a particular option here I wanted to point out and that’s this option that says Use Undeposited Funds as default deposit to account. Now this may not make sense until I go through and explain this to you a little bit later in module 4 when we talk about working with payments. But what this means is when you actually apply a payment from a customer QuickBooks will put it in this account called Undeposited Funds. If you want the choice to put it in the account that you want at that time you can uncheck the box and then you’ll have a choice. So like I said, you’ll understand that a little bit later.

Also if you accept online payment from customers then you can actually setup the credit card or the bank transfer information right here.

The next one down on the left that I want to talk about is Sales and Customers. There’s something here under the My Preferences tab I want to mention and that’s the ability to Prompt for time/cost to add. Here’s what this means. If you incur expenses in your business that you need to be reminded to turn around and invoice the customer for to get your money back then QuickBooks will remind you. As long as when you’re incurred the expense, let’s say you’re writing a check and on that check it asks you who is the customer and job. If you have filled that in then when you go to invoice the customer and job it will be prompt you and say you have these expenses. Would you like to pull them in? So that’s a great little feature if you need that option.

The next one down the left is Sales Tax and you’ll want to go to the Company Preferences tab for that. One of the things it asked us in the EasyStep Interview was do you charge sales tax and here’s where you’d say yes or no. And you also can set up some sales tax options that are generic right in this section. So a little bit later when we talk about setting up sales tax we might come back to this and see what some of these options mean.

Also where it says Send Forms down the left you have the ability to email a form and a form would be an invoice is a good example or a purchase order. Those are forms you fill out that you can actually email to a customer or a vendor. There’s a little what I call a coversheet that goes with it and you can actually edit theirs or create your own. Here’s the basic one here. I’ll just click Edit and show you what it looks like. But see how it says your customer name, it’s got the invoice number, please remit. You can edit that to anything you like or create your own. So I’ll just cancel that one.

And if I scroll down the left there’s a couple more I want to mention. Spellcheck is here. Didn’t make any changes. So under Spellcheck I can go to the My Preferences tab and check or uncheck what I’d like it to check as far as spelling. Do I want it to check all uppercase letters, things like that.

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