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In this QuickBooks Pro 2017 training video tutorial for beginners, learn how setup preferences in QuickBooks Pro 2017, including company preferences and my preferences.

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Hey. Welcome back. This is module 3 where we’re going to talk about customizing the QuickBooks environment. In section 1 we’re going to actually go through the preferences in QuickBooks. Now I’m going to go through and just show you a lot of the ones that are available but keep in mind there’s so many that I couldn’t possibly cover them all. And you may want to take some time after you start using QuickBooks for a while to go back into this preferences and see if there’s some that you may want to adjust just to make it a little easier when you’re working with QuickBooks.

The way you’re going to access the preferences is go up to menu and click on Edit and you’ll see it at the bottom there. The way this window is set up, you’ll see the different categories of options on the left and generally it’s on the General Option when you first come in. Notice that you have two tabs. You have My Preferences and the Company Preferences tab. So make sure you click on each when you’re looking through your preferences. I’m going to start with the top option, Accounting on the left, and just work our way down here just so you can see what’s available.

Notice there’s no options under the My Preferences so I’m going to click on Company Preferences and there’s a few here that you’ll want to be aware of.

The first one is Use Account Numbers. You can see it’s currently off. Now I want to show you what this means. I’m going to cancel Preferences for just a moment. We’re going to be talking a little bit later about the chart of accounts but I want to show you currently what it looks like.

This is what it looks like right now. You can see that this list is very short so we’ll obviously be expanding the list. But what I want you to notice right now is that if you look at the types of accounts over here that they’re alphabetical per type. That means if you’re looking at, for example, all these expense accounts and you look over at these they’re alphabetical per expense account. If you had the general ledger numbers turned on they would look like this. So I’ll just go back to Preferences and I’ll go into the Accounting option on the left and I’m going to choose Use Account Numbers from the Company Preferences tab. And when I click OK I want you to notice now that we have general ledger numbers. They’re just an option.

You’ll find accountants use them, if you’re really into bookkeeping you’ll probably end up using them but it’s not something you have to use. Some people would just rather see them by category and then look at them that way.

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