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During this Photoshop Elements 15 tutorial video, we will demonstrate how to make a selection using the lasso, magnetic lasso and polygonal lasso.

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Hello again and welcome back to our course on PSE 15.
In this section we’re going to continue looking at Selection Tools and this time we’re going to look at Drawing Selection Tools.

The Drawing Selection Tools are collectively known as the Lassos. They’re the third group of tools in the Selection section in the toolbox. We have the Lasso, the Magnetic Lasso and the Polygonal Lasso. These tools work on the basis of drawing around the item, object or whatever that needs to be selected. And in fact looking at this picture of the sheep in the field, if I wanted to select the sheep the drawing selection tools are probably not the tools that I would use. So why wouldn’t I use them for this sheep? Well the sheep has a couple of distinct advantages when it comes to selection. First of all it has a pretty distinct edge and secondly there are significant color differences between the sheep and the surrounding field, the grass, etcetera. So there are other much more suitable tools for selecting this sheep. You tend to use the drawing selection tools when you don’t have distinct edges or when the edges even if in some places they’re quite distinct in others they aren’t. And also where you don’t have the same kind of distinct color differences.

There’s much more of an element of you needing to draw around the selection in order to define what the selection is. So I’m going to use the drawing selection tools on a different image altogether.
So let me take as an example this picture of the horses in the field and let’s suppose that I wanted to just select the horses more or less in the middle of the picture. First of all when it comes to selection it’s a good idea to zoom in as far as you can because it will generally make it much easier to apply the relevant tool and certainly the tools that involve you in doing some drawing. So let me just zoom in.

Now one of the things that would make this particular horse quite difficult to select is that it has a rug on and differentiating between the edge of the rug, the horse next to it, the horses legs, the mud, most of the more are automated selection tools would really find that pretty difficult. So what I’m going to do is to use the lasso tool and I’m going to draw around the area that I want to select.

Now before I start one or two very important points. One of them is with a fairly complicated subject like this how good the selection is pretty much totally depends on how good you are at keeping a steady hand but also on you taking a little bit of time to do the job.

As you’ll see later on there are ways of refining selections, correcting selections but it’s a really good idea to try to make the selection as good as you can first time round. And you’ll also probably discover fairly on that feathering can be a really good friend when it comes to selection because having at least a slightly blurred edge can help to make even the shakiest selection look a little bit better.

I’m going to go without feather at the moment. I’ve got the lasso tool selected. I start somewhere on the edge of the selection. I’m going to start on its back and I’m going to draw around the edge in a continuous drawing motion. Now as I say how good the selection is going to be will totally depend on how steady I am and me taking my time. Now I can already see that this isn’t the best selection job I’ve ever done but you don’t want to sit here for hours watching me do this so let me just do it reasonably okay but reasonably quickly.

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