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During this Microsoft Project 2016 advanced training tutorial video, we will take a look at whether the problems in outline numbering are the same as in WBS codes.

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Welcome back to our course on Project 2016 Advanced.
In the preceding section we took a look at Outline Numbering and WBS Codes. And I pointed out some of the problems with outline numbering in terms of producing a consistent and reliable way of identifying the tasks in a project and the structure of those tasks. We then created custom WBS Codes and I said the first thing we’re going to do in this section is to take a look at whether the problems we encounter with outline numbers are the same with WBS Codes. Well what you’re going to discover is that you still have problems but they’re at least in part different problems.

Now in just a moment I’m going to demonstrate the sort of thing that happens but before I do an important point to bear in mind. There is a fundamental difference between a situation where you are given codes to use and they need to be assigned to the tasks in a project in such a way that those codes never change and the procedure whereby the tasks in a project are outline numbered in some way and that numbering is updated as you update the structure and contents of the project. So at different times you may want either of those behaviors. Do you want your codes to be absolutely fixed once they’re applied or do you want your codes to be flexible and adaptable as the content and structure of a project changes?

Well in order to demonstrate some of the differences between the two systems that we’ve looked at so far take a look at task 11 which is Lockup and task 18 which is Frame. Lockup has an outline number of 3 and a WBS Code N003. Frame has an outline number of 4 and a WBS Code that ends 004. What I’m going to do is to change the sequence of those summary tasks. So I’m going to drag Frame above Lockup. Now notice now that Frame is no longer outline number 4. It’s outline number 3. Its subtasks are accordingly renumbered and of course Lockup has the corresponding switch the other way.

The outline numbering in my project has stayed consistent. So at the first level 1, 2, 3, 4, etcetera. But if you look at the WBS Codes, the WBS Codes have in effect done the opposite. It appears that they WBS Codes have traveled with the moving summary task. So as far as WBS is concerned Frame is still 004 and Lockup is 003. Now that’s actually seems to be quite encouraging but there are certain things to be wary of because supposing I now make the move the other way. Let me select Frame and drag it back to where it was before.

Now when I drag it back to where it was before the first problem is that by default of course when I in this case cut and paste but if I insert a task into an existing schedule the task assumes the indentation level of the task above it. So the Frame task is now indented. What I need to do is to out dent it again to get it back to the top level. Let me do that. And of course the outline numbering fully recovers. I’m back to 1, 2, 3, 4. Everything is fine as far as the outline numbering is concerned.

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