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During this Microsoft Project 2016 training tutorial video, we will show you how to link and unlink tasks so that one task cannot start until the other task linked to it is finished. You will likewise learn about how to change task dependencies. Other points being discussed in this video are different types of task dependency such as Finish-to-Start, Start-to-Start, Finish-to-Finish, and Start-to-Finish.

Discover different types of constraint. Some of these are As Late As Possible, As Soon As Possible, Finish No Earlier Than a specific date, Finish No Later Than a specific date, Must Finish on a certain date, or Must Start on a certain date. You will also be able to know more about deadlines.

We'll continue with this MS Project training by showing the process of setting milestones, which are useful in denoting significant events in a project and giving a realistic summary of the key points in a project. We will also show you how to filter the timeline so that what will be shown are all the milestones.

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Use the timestamps below to navigate to different sections of the course. If you already know one of these topics, skip ahead!

Linking and Unlinking Tasks: 0:07
Setting Constraints and Deadlines: 15:56
Setting Milestones: 31:27
Exercise 03: 39:57

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