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During this Microsoft Word 2016 training tutorial video, we will start creating a mail merge document using the step by step wizard. We will show how to customize the address list and how to edit your data source.

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Hey there. So I’m glad you’re back. We’re still talking about creating a mail merge document and this is part 2. We want to go ahead and continue where we left off in part 1. So let me go ahead and flip over to our main document and we will go ahead and get it set up.
We’re going to go ahead and set up the basics of this letter. Let’s say that the first thing that we want to put in here is the date. So I’ll go ahead and put in here May 14, 2016 and we’ll drop down a couple lines. And here what we want to do is actually pull in some merge fields. What I’d like to have is the person’s first and last name, their company, maybe the street address, things like that.

We have a couple of options as far as this is concerned. First of all I want you to notice over here that we can put in an address block. So let me show you what the choices are if you do this.
Here we can actually put in the person’s name and they give you several different choices of how you want the name to appear. You can check or uncheck whether you want the company name in here and also their address. Over here is a preview of what it’s going to look like. If that’s all you want you can certainly click OK and here’s what the merge field would look like. Now what it doesn’t give you the choice to do here is to put Attention so-and-so, maybe rearrange the company and have it first. So I’m going to go ahead and backspace over that and delete it. And let me show you how you have a little more control over the fields and how it looks by using what we call the Insert Merge Field option right up here.

If you click the down arrow you’ll notice here are all of your merge fields. What you’re going to do is you’re going to click on these the way you’d like them to appear. So let’s say I want Company Name first. Now I’m going to hit the Enter key and now what I’d like to do is have the person’s title, I put a space in there because if you don’t put a space it’ll just run altogether there. I’ll put in their first name, space and their last name. Now let’s say I’d really like it to say Attention.

Now notice I’m just typing the Attention right in front of it. Now I’m going to go ahead and go to the end of that line and hit the Enter key. I’m going to put in the next merge field which is their Address. The next one I’ll do City. And again you have to put in the commas and spaces or it’s all going to run together. Here’s State and here’s Zip Code. So now I have a lot more control over how I want the fields to appear. So whichever one works for you is certainly okay.

Now let’s say the next line is going to say Dear and we’re going to put in the person’s title and their last name. So what I’m going to do here is I’m going to add the Title and put a space and I’ll put in their last name. And of course if you want a comma or any of that you can certainly do that. Now you’re going to put the letter in.

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