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During this Microsoft Word 2016 training tutorial video, we will start creating a mail merge document using the step by step wizard. We will show how to customize the address list and how to edit your data source.

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Okay welcome back. It’s Cindy again. We’re in module 12 and we’re talking about mail merges. We’ve already gone through section 1 where we actually talked about what a mail merge actually is and you got some instructions there on basically the steps that we’re going to be going through. So now we’re on section 2 and I want to show you how to go ahead and get started creating that mail merge document.

When you’re creating a mail merge there are three steps that you’ll want to follow. The first thing is you’ll want to create what’s called a main document. A good example would be collection letters. If you send them out every Friday then you want to go ahead and set that letter up as a one-time thing and save it so that you can use that same letter every single week and you don’t have to keep recreating it. Main documents can be one of five different things. They can be a letter, like the collection letter I just mentioned. When you’re finished you’ll probably want also envelopes or labels. So if you wanted to put envelopes in your printer and have it merge in all the names and addresses you could do that. Or you can print out labels and peel them off and put them on the envelopes. You can also merge emails.

So if you wanted to send an email out to someone and you wanted to pull in again their pertinent information then you’d be able to do that by merging emails. You can also do a directory and I’ll talk to you a little bit later about what a directory is.

Once you have your main document created then you want to go ahead and find your data source. Now the data source is the actual information you’re going to pull into the main document. So again as my example if it’s collection letters you want to pull in each person’s name and their address, their invoice number, how much they owe, things like that. Your data can come from a lot of different places. You might have the data in Excel already. You might have some sort of program that has the data and you pull that data.

But you can pull that data from pretty much anywhere you like. Once you have the main document setup and you’ve got your data source then you can merge the two and you get what’s called a merged document. A merged document will have one page per record. So that means if you send out 500 collection letters to 500 different people this one Word document will have 500 pages. So you probably do want to save your main document so you don’t have to recreate it every time. Data sources usually save somewhere already and the merged documents kind of up to you if you want to save it. So we’re going to actually go ahead and walk through the steps for creating the mail merge here. So we’re going to start on a new blank document to do this. So I’ll just click on File and come down to New and I’ll use a blank document.

To start the mail merge you’ll want to go to the Mailings tab and you’ll see here it says Start Mail Merge. Here are the five things that I told you a main document can represent but we’re going to use the step by step Mail Merge Wizard. It’s much easier to go step by step this way so you don’t forget one of the steps.

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