Review of the major Malware topics to guide your studies, and help you pass the CISSP exam.

This MindMap review covers:
00:00 Introduction
00:36 Malware
00:57 Types of Malware
01:07 Virus
01:12 Worm
01:29 Companion
01:41 Macro
01:59 Multipartite
02:16 Polymorphic
02:25 Trojan
02:34 Botnets
02:54 Boot Sector
03:14 Hoaxes / Pranks
03:22 Logic Bombs
03:35 Stealth
03:49 Ransomware
03:58 Rootkit
04:18 Spyware / Adware
04:27 Data Diddler / Salami Attack
04:50 Zero Day
05:07 Anti-Malware
05:12 Policy
05:22 Training & Awareness
05:40 Prevention
05:43 Allow List
06:03 Network Segmentation
06:14 Detection
06:21 Signature Based Scanners
06:58 Heuristic Scanners
07:33 Activity Monitors
07:51 Change Detection
08:14 Continuous Updates
08:35 Outro

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