Review of the major Single Sign-on / Federated Access topics to guide your studies, and help you pass the CISSP exam.

This MindMap review covers:

00:00 Introduction
00:36 Single Sign-on / Federated Access
00:40 Allows users to access multiple systems with a single set of credentials
00:55 Single Sign-on
01:01 Kerberos
01:09 Components
01:16 User / Client
01:23 Key Distribution Center
01:35 Authentication Service
01:51 Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT)
02:03 Ticket Granting Service
02:16 Service Tickets
02:28 Service
02:29 Symmetric encryption only
02:55 Sesame
03:03 Symmetric & Asymmetric encryption
03:13 Federated Identity Management (FIM)
03:38 Trust Relationship
03:59 Principal / User
04:05 Identity Provider
04:19 Relying Party / Service Provider
04:41 SAML
04:50 Tokens
04:59 Assertions written in XML
05:15 Components
05:24 Profiles
05:33 Bindings
05:41 Protocol
05:47 Assertion
05:54 WS-Federation
06:03 OpenID
06:08 OAuth
06:17 Outro

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