Review of the major Trusted Computing Base topics to guide your studies, and help you pass the CISSP exam.

This MindMap review covers:
00:00 Introduction
00:34 Trusted Computing Base (TCB)
01:30 Reference Monitor Concept
01:47 Subject
01:53 Mediation
02:23 Rules
02:38 Logging & Monitoring
02:51 Object
03:34 Security Kernel
03:54 Completeness
04:11 Isolation
04:27 Verifiability
04:38 Hardware Components
04:42 Processor
05:08 Storage
05:18 Primary
05:50 Secondary
06:08 Virtual Memory
07:35 Software Components
07:40 System Kernel
08:16 Firmware
08:28 Middleware
08:44 Protection Mechanisms
08:51 Process Isolation
09:11 Memory Segmentation
09:25 Time Division Multiplexing
09:49 Processor States
09:57 Problem
10:22 Supervisor
10:35 Operating System Modes
10:42 User Mode
10:58 Kernel Mode
11:10 Ring Protection Model
11:40 Ring 3: User Programs
11:56 Ring 0: System Kernel
12:04 Secure Memory Management
12:35 Data Hiding
13:00 Defence in depth
13:37 Outro

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