Discover the comprehensive HubSpot CRM training tutorial! Learn what HubSpot CRM is and how to leverage its features and functionalities.

Choose the right plan, sign up, and connect your email seamlessly. How to manage your team, import contacts and companies, and utilize powerful features like Inbox, Chatbot, Snippets, and Templates.

Explore advanced topics like creating and targeting ads, email marketing, landing pages, website building, and design management. Master forms creation, deal management, task handling, and meeting scheduling.

Plus, learn ticket creation, resolution, and reporting with detailed insights into reports and dashboards.

Use the timestamps below to navigate to different sections of the course. If you already know one of these topics, skip ahead!

00:00:00 - Course Introduction
00:02:53 - What is HubSpot CRM?
00:04:37 - HubSpot Advantages
00:07:01 - Choosing the Right Plan
00:09:58 - Signing Up
00:13:55 - Connecting Your Email
00:16:32 - Managing Your Team
00:20:16 - Contact Import Sheet
00:23:03 - Uploading Contacts
00:28:16 - Assigning Contacts
00:29:25 - Company Import Sheet
00:33:08 - Uploading Companies
00:37:34 - Using Your Inbox
00:41:31 - Setting Up Your Chatbot
00:50:11 - Snippets
00:53:25 - Templates
00:56:49 - Creating and Targeting Ads
01:04:20 - Email Marketing Part 1
01:10:27 - Email Marketing Part 2
01:17:32 - Landing Pages
01:24:49 - Building Your Website
01:32:40 - Design Manager
01:34:03 - Creating Forms
01:38:02 - Deals and Pipeline
01:43:29 - Tasks
01:46:48 - Meetings
01:49:59 - Ticket Creation and Resolution
01:54:59 - Reports and Dashboards
02:00:16 - Course Close

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