Highline College Busn 216 Class: Computer Applications taught by Michael Girvin.
Download files: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/216v2016/Content/05Access/Access.htm
Topics in this Video:
1. (00:01) Introduction
2. (01:20) What is a Query?
3. (02:10) Query 01 Description and Sell Price
4. (06:50) Query 02 Product Records From SC
5. (08:40) Query 03 On Hand = 10
6. (09:57) Query 04 Sell Price $10 AND On Hand 8 (AND Logical Test)
7. (12:40) Query 05 Price Between $5 And $10 (AND Logical Test)
8. (16:05) Query 06 Sell Price 5 AND 10 (AND Logical Test)
9. (18:03) Rename Queries
10. (19:15) Query 07 Supplier Code Toy Records SC Or AP (OR Logical Test)
11. (20:43) Query 08 Ave Sell Price (Aggregate Calculation)
12. (22:28) Query 09 Ave Sell Price Group By Supplier
13. (23:17) What is Group By?
14. (24:23) Query 10 Min & Max Sell Price Group By Supplier
15. (25:18) Query 11 Inventory Value (Formula or Expression)
16. (28:50) Query 12 Gross Profit for each Product (Formula or Expression)
17. (30:40) Query 13 Products that Contain *rail* (Contains Query)
18. (32:20) Query 14Product Re-Order Phone List (Query based on Two Tables)
19. (35:04) Query 15 Records by Supplier (Parameter Query)
20. (36:45) Summary