Highline College Busn 216 Class: Computer Applications taught by Michael Girvin.
Download Excel Start File: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/YouTubeExcelIsFun/EB25GetAndTransformPowerQueryStart.xlsm
Download Zipped Folder with Text Files: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/YouTubeExcelIsFun/EB25FileDownloads.zip
Download Excel Finished File: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/YouTubeExcelIsFun/EB25GetAndTransformPowerQueryFinished.xlsm
Download Full Written Notes: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/YouTubeExcelIsFun/Office2016Class37-ExcelBasics25-PowerQueryGetAndTransform.pdf
Class web page link: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/216v2016/Content/04Excel/Excel2016.htm
Topics in this Video:
Topics in this Video:
1. (00:01) Introduction to Power Query and the examples in this video
2. (02:50) Difference between Data Ribbon Tabs in Office 365 Excel 2016 and Non-Office 365 Excel 2016
3. (04:32) Example #1: Convert "NOT a Proper Data Set" into a Proper Data Set & Make PivotTable Report
4. (05:00) Compare Flash Fill and Power Query
5. (06:16) What is a Delimiter?
6. (07:02) What is a Query? In Power Query, Access and other programs?
7. (09:22) Import data from an Excel sheet into the Query Editor using From Table Range button
8. (10:18) Split By Delimiter
9. (11:30) Rename columns
10. (12:00) What is a Data Type?
11. (14:53) Close Query and Load to Sheet
12. (16:22) Queries Pane
13. (17:00) Make PivotTable
14. (18:04) Add New Data and Refresh
15. (20:12) Example #2: Import Multiple Text Files & Transform into Proper Data Set
16. (20:28) Download and unzip Text Files
17. (22:11) What is a Text File and how are they used in Data Analysis?
18. (24:02) Use From File, From Folder option to import multiple Text Files into Power Query and combine into a single Proper Data Set
19. (25:50) Use Query Editor to finish combine query.
20. (27:05) How to edit or delete steps in a query.
21. (27:05) How to edit the folder path if location of folder changes
22. (27:51) Close and Load straight to s Worksheet.
23. (28:30) Add new Text Files to Folder and update in Excel
24. (29:38) Summary