Highline College Busn 216 Class: Computer Applications taught by Michael Girvin.
Download Excel Start & Finished File: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/YouTubeExcelIsFun/EB16MixedCellReferences.xlsm
Download Full Written Notes: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/YouTubeExcelIsFun/Office2016Class28-ExcelBasics16-MixedCellReferences.pdf
Class web page link: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/216v2016/Content/04Excel/Excel2016.htm
Topics in this video:
1. (00:01) Introduction
2. (01:24) Example 1: Mixed Cell References in Multiplication Table
3. (04:24) Song and Excel Example in High Speed
4. (05:20) How Cell References Move Throughout Copy Action
5. (07:06) Two Questions Method for Determining Which Type of Cell Reference you need.
6. (08:58) F4 key as Merry-Go-Round
7. (13:05) Sledge Hammer Method for Determining Which Type of Cell Reference you need.
8. (15:23) Use Ctrl + Enter to Populate a Highlighted Range with a Formula
9. (16:17) Example 3: Mixed Cell References for Budget with Income Statement Accounts
10. (24:28) Use Ctrl + Enter to Populate a Highlighted Range with an Edited Formula
11. (27:26) Example 2: Mixed Cell References & Assumption Tables.
12. (31:40) Example 4: Mixed Cell References for Retirement Savings Table
13. (37:07) Example 5: Mixed Cell References & Correct Assumption Table for Dynamic Payroll Table
14. (41:22) Two Stories about ROUND Function examples in working world
15. (43:46) Summary - Conclusion