Highline College Busn 216 Class: Computer Applications taught by Michael Girvin.
Download Excel Start & Finished File: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/YouTubeExcelIsFun/EB15-ExcelTableFeature.xlsm
Download Full Written Notes: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/YouTubeExcelIsFun/Office2016Class27-ExcelBasics15-VExcelTableFeature.pdf
Class web page link: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/216v2016/Content/04Excel/Excel2016.htm
Topics in this video:
1. (00:01) Introduction
2. (01:15) Example 1: Excel Table feature for VLOOKUP & Data Validation List
3. (07:10) Example 2: Excel Table feature for Chart
4. (09:45) Example 3: Excel Table feature for PivotTable
5. (13:10) Example 4: Excel Table feature for Other Formulas
6. (16:50) Example 5: Add New Column to an Excel Table AND Create Approximate Match Lookup Table from a written statement.
7. (17:47) Create Approximate Match Lookup Table from Written Instructions
8. (24:35) Change Settings to Allow Columns and Rows to be added to Excel Table as you work: Excel File, Options, Proofing, AutoCorrect, Auto Format As You Type, “Apply As You Work” – “Include New Rows and Columns in Table”
9. (26:10) Add columns to Excel Tables with Table Formula Nomenclature with Relative and Absolute References.
10. (29:30) Formula for Discounts when we need to calculate Net Revenue based on a Discount.
11. (34:14) Add new records to bottom of Excel Table and Formulas will automatically populate down
12. (35:05) Summary - Conclusion