Highline College Busn 216 Class: Computer Applications taught by Michael Girvin.
Download Excel Start & Finished File: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/YouTubeExcelIsFun/EB10DateTimeNumberFormattingAndCalculations.xlsm
Download Full Written Notes: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/YouTubeExcelIsFun/Office2016Class22-ExcelBasics10-DateTimeNumberFormatAndCalculations.pdf
Class web page link: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/216v2016/Content/04Excel/Excel2016.htm
Topics in this video:
1. (00:01) Introduction
2. (01:25) Keyboard to toggle Ribbon Tabs on and off
3. (01:46) Date Number Formatting
4. (04:55) Number Days Invoice Late Calculation
5. (05:30) Keyboard to hard code today’s date in a cell
6. (08:30) TODAY Date Function
7. (10:38) Loan Maturity Date Calculation
8. (11:36) Number Days in Project Calculation
9. (12:51) EDATE Function to calculate Invoice Due Date 2 months in the future
10. (15:06) EOMONTH Function to calculate Invoice Due Date at the End Of The Month
11. (16:53) Number of Days Late for Invoice Template
12. (18:25) Time Number Formatting
13. (18:58) Date and Time Data Entry Errors that result in Text Values
14. (21:26) Keyboard to Apply General Number Formatting (Eraser)
15. (24:41) Hours Worked Calculation
16. (28:44) Hours Worked or Hours Studied Before and After Lunch Calculation
17. (30:16) SUM Function for Hours Worked Before and After Lunch Calculation
18. (32:34) Formula Evaluator (Evaluate Formula feature) to see how formula is calculated by Excel
19. (35:09) Full Payroll Time Sheet Net Pay Template
20. (38:16) Summary - Conclusion

Related Videos:
Excel Basics #15: Date & Time Format & Calculations
Excel Magic Trick 783: Date Functions & Formulas (17 Examples)

Alternative Title: Excel Basics 10: What is Under Date & Time Number Formatting? And How to Make Date & Time Formulas