Highline College Busn 216 Class: Computer Applications taught by Michael Girvin.
Download notes at Class web page link: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/216v2016/Content/PowerPoint/PowerPoint2016.htm
Topics in this video:
1. (00:01) Introduction and Download Video, Picture and Excel Files
2. (01:25) Add PowerPoint icon to Task bar and Open PowerPoint
3. (02:30) Title Slide
4. (03:10) New Slide
5. (03:33) Slide Pane to create slides and type text
6. (05:00) Outline View to create slides and type text
7. (07:54) Different Layouts
8. (08:36) Insert Photo
9. (09:44) Insert Videos
10. (13:50) Insert Paste Special Link
11. (17:43) Themes and Variants on Design Ribbon
12. (18:21) Transitions Ribbon tab
13. (21:00) Animation Ribbon tab
14. (21:30) Slide Master
15. (27:31) Run Slide Show
16. (29:08) Different Views, including Notes View
17. (30:05) Printing and Page Setup
18. 31:35) Handout Slide Master to Adjust printing for page numbers
19. (32:46) ) Summary