Highline College Busn 216 Class: Computer Applications taught by Michael Girvin.
Download notes: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/216v2016/Content/01WindowsExplorer/Office2016Class03CreateLogicalSystemOfFolders.pdf
Class web page link: https://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/AllClasses/216v2016/Content/01WindowsExplorer/WindowsExplorer2016.htm
Topics in this video:
1. (00:01) Introduction
2. (00:24) Example of Logical System of folders to organize files
3. (02:53) Create System of Folders for our class
4. (13:32) Importance of correct names for Test Folders
5. (14:53) Hint about Test #1
6. (16:17) Change Download settings in Chrome Browser
7. (18:48) Summary