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In this video learn about how to create a Side By Side Report and a Cross Tabulated Report for Ordered Sales and Shipped Sales when you have two Date Columns in the Fact Table. Learn about Inactive Relationships, the USERELATIONSHIP DAX Function, and how to use Two Date Dimension Tables in a Data Model.
Learn methods that work in both Excel Power Pivot or Power BI Desktop.
1. (00:15) Introduction & look at Data Modeling Problem
2. (02:00) Create Active and Inactive Relationship.
3. (03:43) Use the USERELATIONSHIP DAX Function inside the CALCULATE Function to calculate Shipped Sales.
4. (05:07) Create Side-By-Side Report that uses Two Measures and One Date Dimension Table using Excel Power Pivot.
5. (05:34) Create Two Date Dimension Tables using Power Query, then create relationships in Power BI Desktop.
6. (08:48) Create Cross Tabulated Report that uses One Measure and Two Date Dimension Tables using the Martix Visualization in Power BI.
7. (09:36) Conclusion
Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.